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03 Newmeric Type

CindyOriginal...About 4 minpython notebooknotespython

Here's the translated markdown:

1. Characteristics of Numeric Types

In [3]: 1 + 1
Out[3]: 2

In [4]: 1 + 1.0
Out[4]: 2.0

In [5]: 2 -1
Out[5]: 1

In [6]: 2 - 1.0
Out[6]: 1.0

In [7]: 2 * 2
Out[7]: 4

In [8]: 2* 2.0
Out[8]: 4.0

In [9]: 9/3
Out[9]: 3.0

# The result is a float if one of the elements is a float, with the highest precedence.

# Division involves precision issues, resulting in a float.

2. Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators: Used for arithmetic calculations.

+Addition Operator1 + 1 = 2
-Subtraction Operator2 - 1 = 1
*Multiplication Operator2 * 3 = 6
/Division Operator9 / 3 = 3.0
**Exponentiation Operator2 ** 3 = 8
%Modulus Operator, calculates remainder9 % 2 = 1
//Floor Division Operator, calculates quotient without remainder9 // 2 = 4

Tip: 9 / 2 = 4......1

3. Trying It Out: Number Transformation

Imagine you have a two-digit integer, and we need to generate two new numbers based on the following rules:

  • The first new number is the sum of the individual digits of the original number.
  • The second new number is the reverse of the original number (e.g., for 21, the reversed number is 12).

Write Python code to fulfill these requirements.


An integer num (10 ≤ num ≤ 99)


Two integers or an error message string.


Suppose the input number num is 91. Then your code should output two numbers: 10 (the sum of 9 and 1) and 19 (the reversal of 91).

Suppose the input number num is 26. Then your code should output two numbers: 8 (the sum of 2 and 6) and 62 (the reversal of 26).

Suppose the input number num is 18. Then your code should output two numbers: 9 (the sum of 1 and 8) and 81 (the reversal of 18).

num = 91
print(num // 10 + num % 10)
print(10 * (num % 10) + num // 10)

4. Comparison Operators: Comparing Values

>Checks if the first operand is greater than the secondprint(1 > 2)
<Checks if the first operand is less than the secondprint(1 < 2)
>=Checks if the first operand is greater than or equal to the secondprint(3 >= 3)
<=Checks if the first operand is less than or equal to the secondprint(3 <= 4)
==Checks if two operands are equalprint(2 == 2)
!=Checks if two operands are not equalprint(2 != 1)

Try the above examples and see the resulting outputs.

Code Examples
print(1 > 2)
print(1 < 2)
print(3 >= 3)
print(3 <= 4)
print(2 == 2)
print(2 != 1)

5. Assignment Operators

=Assigns the value on the right-hand side to the left-hand sidea = 1
+=a += b is equivalent to a = a + ba += 10
-=a -= b is equivalent to a = a - ba -= 10
*=a *= b is equivalent to a = a * ba *= 10
/=a /= b is equivalent to a = a / ba /= 10
**=a **= b is equivalent to a = a ** ba **= 10
//=a //= b is equivalent to a = a // ba //= 10
Code Examples
# Assignment Operators
a = 1
a += 10
# Regular notation
a = 1
a = a + 10

7.3.1 Sum and Difference of Numbers:

Write Python code that creates two numbers a and b, calculates and prints their sum and the result of a subtracted from b.

Code Template

a = 10
b = 12
sum_result = a + b
difference = a - b
print("Sum: ", sum_result)
print("Difference: ", difference)
# Test
assert sum_result == a + b
assert difference == a - b

Output Example:

Sum: 8
Difference: -2

7.3.2 Multiplication and Division of Numbers

Write Python code that creates two numbers x and y, calculates and prints their product and the result of x divided by y.

Code Template

x = 3
y = 4
print("Product: ", x * y)
print("Division: ", x / y)

# Test
assert product == x * y
assert division == x / y

Output Example:

Product: 12
Division: 0.75

7.3.3 Modulus and Exponentiation

Write Python code that creates two numbers m and n, calculates and prints m modulo n and m raised to the power of n.

Code Template

m = 3
n = 4
print("Modulus: ", m % n)
print("Power: ", m ** n)

# Test
assert remainder == m % n
assert power == m ** n

Output Example:

Modulus: 3
Power: 81

7.3.4 Comparison Operation

Write Python code that takes two numbers p and q as input, compares them, and prints the respective comparison result (greater than, less than, equal to).

Code Template

p = int(input("Please enter an integer: "))
q = int(input("Please enter the second integer: "))
if p > q:
    print(f"{p} is greater than {q}")
    assert p > q
elif p < q:
    print(f"{p} is less than {q}")
    assert p < q
    print(f"{p} is equal to {q}")
    assert p == q

Output Example:

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Contributors: Camcute123
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